Sunday, December 4, 2016

Monday Monday Monday!

It was another busy and fun week in the world of 5th and 6th grade math! 

Lately in 5th....
I have been surprised and excited by the level of fraction comprehension the 5th graders have already started the year with. We  have been able to move quickly through material because they are showing a great deal of knowledge! I suppose the more I get to know them... I am not so surprised after all. 
Mrs. McGowan came into class on Thursday and reminded  the students of the story of Godfairy #1 and how she is used to find equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are necessary for students to begin adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Please ask your student about Godfairy #1! 
We will continue our venture through fraction world by exploring fraction number stories, "fraction of" problems and within the  next couple of weeks a unit assessment! 

Lately in 6th...
On Friday we studied for a test that students will take on Monday! We reviewed ways to prepare for a test along with how students might study for tests in their future when  they are not given a day in class to prepare. 
Unit 3 will have us focusing on decimal operations and percents! 

Wednesday through Friday (7th-9th) I will be attending a conference. Ms. Tori will be my sub. She has substituted for me a couple of times throughout the year so the students already know her!
On Thursday Mrs. Martino will be teaching class and students will have an opportunity to do an hour of Coding. Please see Mrs. Martino's blog for more information about this!

Have a wonderful week! Remember don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or wonderful moments in regards to your child and math!


Enjoy some pictures of students in math class