Friday, March 9, 2018

Early March update

Hi Families!

Well time has flown by and lots of learning has been happening in math class!

Lately in....

We are well into unit 4 in 5th grade. This unit started off with reviewing decimal place value. Students learned how to represent decimals through the thousandths. They learned how to compare decimals and how to round decimals as well. We then moved into learning about coordinate grids which is always a favorite subject for many students. We played a really fun game called Hidden Treasure which is quite similar to battleship. Most games that we play in class, students can also play at home! If you have an SRB at home, check out the Game section in the back!

Next we will be moving away from learning about coordinate grids and we will go back to decimal operations. We will learn how to add and subtract decimals. Hopefully most students will be able to relate adding and subtraction decimals to money!

Many 5th graders still REALLY need to memorize their multiplication facts. They should come into 5th grade having them all memorized. Please support your child at home by helping them to practice!

This is one of my absolute favorite units right now is 6th grade. ALGEBRA! We are learning all about algebraic expressions and equations.

Algebraic Expression: an algebraic expression is an expression (which does not have a relation symbol) that has a variable which stands for a number.
Algebraic Equation: an algebraic equation is an equation (which has an equal sign) that has a variable which stands for a number.

We have reviewed the order of operations. Learned what distributive property is. Learned how to create expressions and equations. Next we will be learning what inequalities are and how to graph their solution sets.

** As a reminder I am available every morning from 7:30-8:00 for tutoring or homework help!

Hope you're all enjoying our wintery weather!

 Some of the final Giant Mystery Projects!

6W made some "Self Love" valentines for valentines day!